Ahh hello blog world. I don't know why I'm here or what I'm doing, but what the heck. The last couple of days have been pretty shitty. Nothing major like, just crappy with not much happening. I was looking forward to monday but then that ended up not materialising and turning out to be a bit of a let down. Maybe better luck on friday, I hope. Also not been sleeping properly recently, so have just ended up spending the days walking aroung like a grumpy zombie.
Tuesday was particularly messed up. I had Diss work to do but couldn't because I needed a book from uni, my back gave out, my take away was shit, United were awful, texts were awkward, and just when I thought I'd put the day behind me and cheer myself up with Castle and House, I found out that both were not on this week, with House on a break till January. But then she did call to try and cheer me up which was nice, even though I was being a prick. Although, I've not seen her, I've actually ended up speaking to her everyday for nearly two weeks now, in one format or the other.
Spent most of today just doing work and being rubbish, but then I just got in bed and watched 500 Days Of Summer, which cheered me up quite a bit. It's been ages since I've just layed in bed and watched a movie, this years been so hectic, don't remember the last time I did. But it was nice just being in the dark, alone in my room, chilling out to a good movie. Defo need to start doing that again. Plus, I'm on three cans of Coke for the night, bordering on a fourth, which is not bad going. So all good.
Tomorrow looks like another day filled with work, then Steam. Cool. Peace. X