Much to blind to see the damage he's done, sometimes a man must awake to find that, really, he has no one...

Monday, 7 June 2010

Number one.

Well I guess this is my first post, hopefully the first of many. I'm shit at starting things, so here goes nothing.

I have been contemplating this for a while now and finally decided that as I have plenty of free time on my hands and am up at ridiculous hours of the night with not many others around, this might keep me occupied. This is the new outlet for the creativity waiting to unleash. The honeymoon period.

The reason behind the delay of this blog was the thought of 'what's the point in writing something nobody is going to read' combined with 'not being able to write anything too personal in case somebody I don't want to read it, actually does'. So you can see where the conflict and confusion arose from. But I have accepted the fact that no one in there right mind wants to hear me ramble on and my ego just has to deal with it! I feel I'm in secure enough place within myself at the moment to not give a fuck :) And anything that I do want to mention, but fear that the information might fall into the wrong hands, I will do so in some sort of cryptic manner. This blog is a conversation with myself.

Now that's out the way, lets get down to business. Well it don't take a genius to realise I'm pretty excited by Eminem's upcoming project, but I won't bore you with all that. Although, a major amount of my time at the moment is spent trawling websites and message boards hoping to find any sort of exclusive, no matter how little it may be. Moreover, the World Cup is drawing ever closer and I think over the last week the fever has really started to hit me. Is it just me or does creating a fantasy team add to the hype, excitement, and expectancy?! Whatever it may be, I'm definitely looking forward to the start of it, not least because it will occupy eventless summer mornings/afternoons, everything here only starts happening once evening hits. Furthermore, to top it all off, I'm hoping to fly off to Egypt in a few weeks time with Hassan and Mo. Yeah so I technically don't have a passport at the moment or any money for that matter, but I like making things interesting; anyone can book a holiday with a passport and money, where's the fun in that?! I shall keep you updated on the situation.

Ok, so I kind of promised Jake I would include killing and maybe some involuntary sex in my first entry, but this blog is about love, happiness, birds, bees, and trees, so there will be no mention of anything of that sort. Like what I did there? I've overcome the relapse and I'm the road to recovery.You don't know how perfect I want this first post to be! I promise they won't all be this long.

Thought/Quote/Lyric of the Day... "But this is my theme park, what should I scream for?"


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