Much to blind to see the damage he's done, sometimes a man must awake to find that, really, he has no one...

Sunday, 15 August 2010

Fight Off Your Demons

For the last week or so, I've been totally obsessed with Brand New, it's definitely my Jesse Lacey phase all over again. They are a pretty unique band though, the first thing I heard from them was their third album 'The Devil and God Are Raging Inside Me', and liked them straight away. But only once you actually start digging deeper into the songs, you realise how truly special they are. Then I heard 'You Won't Know' off that album and it was all over from there, no going back. That song pretty much triggered my obsession the first time round and moved Brand New upwards in my rankings to just behind Eminem, Jeff Buckley and Proof. At the time, that album was complex enough for me not to need to go and look through their earlier stuff.

A while back I heard their new album 'Daisy' was going to be released, and I was dead excited for another album filled with TDAGARIM type material. I was wrong. It was crazy, loud, screaming, hardcore stuff that I had never heard and not what I knew of my beloved Brand New, I was a little disappointed. To make up for this bafflement, I thought I would go and listen to their earlier music for some sounds I recognise. I was wrong again. I listened to some songs off their first album and genuinely didn't believe it was them. It was some clean-shaven, high pitched, teenage, American high-school band. I left it there and thought well I guess one classic will just have to do me and thought no more of it.

The songs from the albums stayed in my iPod, and every once in a while one would sneak up and surprise me. I would not recognise it but like it, and then when I looked at who it was... yes, indeed. I soon realised I was expecting all their music to be the same and compared everything to TDAGARIM, which was unfair from the get go. That will probably go down in history as one of my favourite albums of all time and it would be pretty much impossible for them or any other band to replicate that feeling I have listening to it. There's one thing you need to understand about Brand New, like all good musicians they change, evolve, and experiment and all four of their albums have an unmistakably unique sound. I very quickly became to appreciate this about them.

Listening to 'You Won't Know' about a week ago restarted this whole cycle. I was looking for a status but there were so many great lines to chose from, I ended not having any. So I thought I'd do something special for you guys...

Cause I make little lies and then I pull them apart
Think something dark's living down in my heart
And if I wanted to die before I got old
I should've started some years ago digging that hole

I want to know what is the great divide
I want to know what I’ve become.
You think that no one else is lonesome,
You think that you’re the only one?

Well I wish that I was as good as you, caring and trusting
And I wish that my condition was new but I'm old and rusting

It’s hard to be the better man when you forget you’re trying
It’s hard to be the better man when you’re still lying

I'm a mountain that has been moved, I'm a river that is all dried up
I'm an ocean nothing floats on, I'm a sky that nothing wants to fly in
I'm a sun that doesn't burn hot, I'm a moon that never shows it face
I'm a mouth that doesn't smile, I'm a word that no one ever wants to say

Die young and save yourself

If looks could really kill then my profession would staring
Please know we do this cause we care, not for the thrill
Collect calls to home to tell them that I realize
that everyone who lives will someday die and die alone

And there's a lake
And at the bottom you'll find all our friends
They don't swim cause they're all dead
We never are what we intend or invent

I’d drive my car off of a bridge
If I knew that you weren’t inside
With the pedal to the floor, who could ask for a more
Fantastic way to kill some time

Now even if I lay my head down at night
After a day I got perfectly right... She won't know

I used to be such a burning example
I used to be so original
I used to care, I was being cared for
Made sure I showed it to those that I love

I used to pray like God was listening
I used to make my parents proud
I was the glue that kept my friends together,
Now they don't talk and we don't go out

If it makes you less sad, I will die by your hand
I hope you find out what you want, I already know what I am
And if it makes you less sad, we'll start talking again
And you can tell me how vile I already know that I am

Goodbye to sleep, I think this staying up is exactly what I need
Take apart your head, take apart the counting and the flock it has bred

Do you believe you're missing out?
That everything good is happening somewhere else
But with nobody in your bed
The night is hard to get through

My bright is too slight to hold back all my dark

Hey you beauty supreme, yeah you were right about me
But can I get myself out from underneath this guilt that will crush me

Well I love you so much, but do me a favor baby, don't reply
Cause I can dish it out, but I can't take it

This is a lesson in procrastination
I kill myself because I'm so frustrated
Every single second that I put it off
Means another lonely night I got to race the clock

It's girls like you that make me think I'm better off...
Home on a Saturday night, with all my doors locked up tight
I won't be thinking about you, baby

Take me, take me back to your bed
I love you so much that it hurts my head
Say, "I don't mind you under my skin
I'll let the bad parts in, the bad parts in"
Well when we were made we were set apart
But life is a test and I get bad marks
Now some saint got the job of writing down my sins
The storm is coming, the storm is coming in


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