Much to blind to see the damage he's done, sometimes a man must awake to find that, really, he has no one...

Wednesday, 28 September 2011

Sic Transit Gloria... Glory Fades

So this week I went back to my old old stomping ground of Crewe to experience a few days of Freshers again. It was both an interesting and weird experience to be honest. I was excited to be going back and seeing some of my best friends, but at the same time, due to the events of preceding weeks, I knew it would not be the same.

This time last week Wednesday, I was having a lovely meal at Dragon Inn with the boys; Andi, Jake, Fisher, Patryk, & Vince. This was followed by Bowling which was also fun. Before that, we had all gone for a round of golf. I say golf, I just strolled around some fields eating Rolo's, but it was still nice to spend some time with people and catch up. The night drew to a close.

Thursday morning started with a nice breakfast trip to McDonald's with Lorna. (I know how much she loves this blog and how excited she gets when I mention her name, so there). Again, it was good catching up, even if it was only for a little while, I would have liked to talk to her properly. The rest of the day was spent at the house playing Fifa with the boys, which is always good and reminds me of how much practice I need! Andi came back from Uni and we went Subways (my first one since uni), then to see Pav and Was in halls. I don't know what it is but I like being around that group, even though Aiden wasn't around. Bit of drinking, then back to Jake's for a quick stop off, where Rachel and her housemates were, before leaving for the Old Nunnery to meet Amy (or Cat) and her new clan.

This is where a bit of the weirdness kicked in. I knew it would be strange going back to Crewe and doing all the things that I used with the same people, now that things had changed. But it only really hit me once I got to the house and was sitting in the kitchen. I kinda just sat on a stool off to one side while everyone was happy in the haze of a drunken hour. All I could think about was of all the times that I had spent in this kitchen, and memories were just flooding back. Like the last time I was here, there were only the two of us cooking pasta. I had become comfortable in that kitchen but I felt like the outsider again. My mood wasn't really helped by having drink spilt down my trousers and neon paint smeared on my jacket. Then just to top it off I was asked by one of Rachel's housemates if my girlfriend was here! I tried to smile and stuff the best I could, but after a while I went outside to kinda get away from it all.

This is when the night started to take a turn for the up. Amy came outside and gave me Haribos which was rather cool, made me smile and brightened my spirits. I went back in and even joined in with a bit of small talk. Highlight was one of the girls calling me mean for not introducing myself in her house but instead taking the piss, and then for her to find out that I had actually spent more nights there than she had. It was soon time to leave for Steam, and me, Amy, Jake, and Rachel headed off in our little pack. It was very busy, and could tell just by the que.

The night like everything else on the trip was a weird one. We went to the Indie floor, but the new DJ is absolutely shit, and played like four indie songs the whole night. Not the best start. I guess everyone was pretty drunk and the only two that weren't were me and Amy, so it kind of just ended up us two chilling together for the entire night. The music was awful so we went upstairs for a minute and then outside for a little fag break. Once we got back in the music was still as bad, so I thought it might be interesting to check the new place that had been added to the indie floor. It's the corner room but with big beany bag things and blankets, and weird colourful cubes. As it was slightly separate, we could still hear the music but it wasn't as loud, so it was nice to be able to just sit there and talk. Spent pretty much the rest of the night there and ended up having more fun than I thought. Just as I was getting ready to hang the DJ, he played a Brand New which was pretty cool. Bibby's and home time.

Friday was again weird. For some reason, which I still don't know why, I was in a really strange mood. Didn't really do much, just got changed and came home. The train journey was one of the worst. But the overall few days were really good and exactly what I needed. I miss that lifestyle very much, as well as the people still there. It was cool, 'cause over the couple of days, everyone in their own way just made me feel (at the risk of sounding gay) loved. It just kind of warmed me up and let me know that there are people that still care about me and it's not all doom and gloom. I guess it was just all the little things; the outrageous banter flying around when I'm with Andi and Pav; Sheils coming up to me and having a talk and explaining how he understood how I felt; Seeing Jake and Rachel together so happy, easily my favourite couple, they are so funny together; and was also worried about how Amy and Alex would react to me now that I was no longer with Lina, but Alex in a drunken state gave me a big hug and called me her favourite and Amy out of sober, conscience choice (no excuses!) decided to spend the night in my company.

So when I say you are the bestest of peoples, I actually mean it and appreciate it fully. So thank you all, sincerely <3

Thought/Quote/Lyric of the day...
"You cant change your situation, the only thing you can change is how you choose to deal with it".


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